What's your favorite skin?
Created: Monday, 3 March 2003 19:02
- Option 1: Endless Waltz Greens
- votes: 4 (19.05%)
- 0.2 votes per day - Option 2: Winter Wonderland
- votes: 6 (28.57%)
- 0.3 votes per day - Option 3: GW Blues
- votes: 3 (14.29%)
- 0.1 votes per day - Option 4: Blue Eyes
- votes: 8 (38.10%)
- 0.3 votes per day
Ever watch Ronin Warriors?
Created: Wednesday, 26 February 2003 20:54
- Option 1: Hell yeah! It rocks!
- votes: 9 (27.27%)
- 0.3 votes per day - Option 2: mmmm....Sage.....
- votes: 6 (18.18%)
- 0.2 votes per day - Option 3: Wait a sec, this is a Gundam Wing site!
- votes: 8 (24.24%)
- 0.3 votes per day - Option 4: mmmm...Anubis....
- votes: 1 (3.03%)
- 0.0 votes per day - Option 5: It sucked.
- votes: 1 (3.03%)
- 0.0 votes per day - Option 6: Never seen it.
- votes: 8 (24.24%)
- 0.3 votes per day
What's Quatre's biggest pet peeve?
Created: Tuesday, 18 February 2003 01:47
- Option 1: The ZERO system answers each of his questions with "I'm sorry Dave. I can't do that."
- votes: 14 (29.17%)
- 0.4 votes per day - Option 2: The cleaning lady keeps putting starch in his shorts.
- votes: 4 (8.33%)
- 0.1 votes per day - Option 3: Duo constantly refers to his violin as a 'fiddle'.
- votes: 14 (29.17%)
- 0.4 votes per day - Option 4: Heero yells "Punchbuggy" and slugs him in the arm whenever he sees a Leo.
- votes: 13 (27.08%)
- 0.4 votes per day - Option 5: Hotel expenses when he goes anywhere (after all, the Magunacs follow)
- votes: 3 (6.25%)
- 0.1 votes per day
What's Wufei's biggest pet peeve?
Created: Monday, 10 February 2003 20:04
- Option 1: Headaches from his ponytail being to tight.
- votes: 8 (20.00%)
- 0.2 votes per day - Option 2: Duo keeps rigging up Shenlong to play "Macho Man" when it's turned on.
- votes: 23 (57.50%)
- 0.5 votes per day - Option 3: The laundry lady keeps starching his boxers.
- votes: 2 (5.00%)
- 0.0 votes per day - Option 4: His shoes have virtually no soles, making running across hot gravel a trial in itself.
- votes: 0 (0.00%)
- 0.0 votes per day - Option 5: He keeps losing Quake 3 Arena to Quatre, who plays as with a Wing Zero mod..
- votes: 7 (17.50%)
- 0.2 votes per day
What's Duo's biggest pet peeve?
Created: Tuesday, 4 February 2003 01:41
- Option 1: Heero waking him up in the morning with a 3 foot 'braid' & a pair of scissors in his hands.
- votes: 15 (35.71%)
- 0.3 votes per day - Option 2: Someone keeps switching the coffee to decaf.
- votes: 4 (9.52%)
- 0.1 votes per day - Option 3: Crazy nuts that keep sneaking in and painting Deathscythe pink in the middle of the night.
- votes: 15 (35.71%)
- 0.3 votes per day - Option 4: Having fangirls leave so many messages on his machine that he can't get the serious ones.
- votes: 4 (9.52%)
- 0.1 votes per day - Option 5: The darn Leo parts keep getting caught in the batwings of Deathscythe HELL.
- votes: 4 (9.52%)
- 0.1 votes per day
What's Trowa's biggest pet peeve?
Created: Tuesday, 28 January 2003 03:34
- Option 1: Catherine getting mad at him over not eating her soup and 'accidently' hits him with her knife.
- votes: 7 (24.14%)
- 0.1 votes per day - Option 2: Giving the lion his flu shot.
- votes: 0 (0.00%)
- 0.0 votes per day - Option 3: Someone keeps switching his hair gel with Elmer's Glue.
- votes: 7 (24.14%)
- 0.1 votes per day - Option 4: The laundry lady forgetting the starch in his clown pants.
- votes: 2 (6.90%)
- 0.0 votes per day - Option 5: Duo keeps rigging his computer to be voice-interface only.
- votes: 13 (44.83%)
- 0.2 votes per day
What's Heero's biggest pet peeve?
Created: Monday, 20 January 2003 22:29
- Option 1: Duo's cheerful remarks
- votes: 0 (0.00%)
- 0.0 votes per day - Option 2: Being ten cents short when buying ammo for 01
- votes: 5 (12.82%)
- 0.1 votes per day - Option 3: His battery in his detonation trigger dying right before he pushes the trigger
- votes: 14 (35.90%)
- 0.2 votes per day - Option 4: Dr. J replacing his regular coffee with Folgers to see if he notices
- votes: 3 (7.69%)
- 0.0 votes per day - Option 5: Someone keeps putting Aspercreme
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if that woodchuck was Heero?
Created: Monday, 13 January 2003 18:01
- Option 1: 50 pounds.
- votes: 1 (3.70%)
- 0.0 votes per day - Option 2: At least a decent sized park full.
- votes: 3 (11.11%)
- 0.0 votes per day - Option 3: He wouldn't chuck the wood, he'd step on it with 01.
- votes: 5 (18.52%)
- 0.1 votes per day - Option 4: All he could. It's his mission after all.
- votes: 13 (48.15%)
- 0.2 votes per day - Option 5: None. He'd blow himself up first.
- votes: 5 (18.52%)
- 0.1 votes per day
Who did write the 'Book of Love'?
Created: Monday, 6 January 2003 23:47
- Option 1: Duo of course!
- votes: 7 (25.00%)
- 0.1 votes per day - Option 2: Heero
- cool and collected
- votes: 4 (14.29%)
- 0.1 votes per day - Option 3: Quatre
- the romantic
- votes: 12 (42.86%)
- 0.2 votes per day - Option 4: Trowa
- the quiet type
- votes: 4 (14.29%)
- 0.1 votes per day - Option 5: Wufei
- the bachlor?
- votes: 1 (3.57%)
- 0.0 votes per day
So what'd you think of the Two Towers?
Created: Monday, 30 December 2002 20:23
- Option 1: SWEEEEEET!!
- votes: 11 (61.11%)
- 0.1 votes per day - Option 2: Pretty darn cool!
- votes: 3 (16.67%)
- 0.0 votes per day - Option 3: Not bad.
- votes: 0 (0.00%)
- 0.0 votes per day - Option 4: I slept through it.
- votes: 2 (11.11%)
- 0.0 votes per day - Option 5: Where's Shelob??
- votes: 2 (11.11%)
- 0.0 votes per day
Bravenet polls:
Who would you pick to play Dr. J in a live action Gundam Wing?
- Option 1: Steven Segal 29%
- Option 2: Kevin Anderson 14%
- Option 3: Barry Bostwick 24%
- Option 4: Tom Selleck 5%
- Option 5: Arnold Schwarzenegger 19%
- Option 6: Brent Spiner 10%
Who's the best ping-pong player?
- Option 1: Heero Yuy 30%
- Option 2: Dr. O 15%
- Option 3: Rashid 10%
- Option 4: Wufei Chang 25%
- Option 5: The Moleman 20%
What's your drink of choice?
- Option 1: 7-Up 8%
- Option 2: Dr. Pepper 32%
- Option 3: Mr. Pibb 12%
- Option 4: Coke-a-cola 8%
- Option 5: Pepsi 4%
- Option 6: Iced tea 12%
- Option 7: Water 16%
- Option 8: Kool-aid 8%
So, if they started Unsolved Mysteries again, who should host?
- Option 1: Duo Maxwell 58%
- Option 2: Dr. O 0%
- Option 3: Rashid 4%
- Option 4: Treize Kushrenada 21%
- Option 5: Otto 17%
Who would be most likely to show up on an episode of Cops?
- Option 1: Heero and Relena 50%
- Option 2: Dr. O 4%
- Option 3: Zechs Merquise 13%
- Option 4: Hayden Christiansan 17%
- Option 5: Space Ghost 17%
- Option 6: Nabishen (with the sweet, sweet 'fro) 0%
If Gundam Wing was a soap opera, who would be the character with amnesia?
- Option 1: Duo 25%
- Option 2: Relena 18%
- Option 3: Heero 50%
- Option 4: Dr. H 4%
- Option 5: Otto 4%
Who's your favorite Transformer?
- Option 1: Starscream! 39%
- Option 2: Prowl 11%
- Option 3: Galvatron 6%
- Option 4: Optimus Prime 11%
- Option 5: Hot Rod 6%
- Option 6: What's a transformer? 17%
- Option 7: I collect them all anyways! 11%
So, what movie you looking foward to?
- Option 1: The Two Towers! 18%
- Option 2: Star Trek: Nemasis 5%
- Option 3: Serving Sara 0%
- Option 4: The Adventures of Pluto Nash 5%
- Option 5: Jonah: A Veggie Tales Movie 0%
- Option 6: The Two Towers fool! What other movie is worth seeing next? 71%
What color M&M would Trowa like best?
- Option 1: Blue 19%
- Option 2: Red 12%
- Option 3: Tan 4%
- Option 4: Brown 8%
- Option 5: Green 58%
Who died and left you in charge??
- Option 1: Duo 28%
- Option 2: Tom Sellick 6%
- Option 3: The local hentai man 19%
- Option 4: Cheese 17%
- Option 5: Huh?? 31%
So what did you think of the Spiderman movie?
- Option 1: It was great! 34%
- Option 2: It wasn't to bad. 0%
- Option 3: It was ok. 10%
- Option 4: Eh. I should've gone to see Lilo and Stitch 0%
- Option 5: It sucked monkeys! 3%
- Option 6: You're running out of poll ideas, aren't you! 52%
Who can do the best John Wayne impression?
- Option 1: Howard 23%
- Option 2: Heero 36%
- Option 3: Treize 18%
- Option 4: Zechs 14%
- Option 5: Dorothy 9%
What should i do for th next layout?
- Option 1: Something simple 4%
- Option 2: So graphic intinsive it crashes people's computers!! 29 40%
- Option 3: Dark background, light text 34%
- Option 4: Light background, dark text 3%
- Option 5: I like the current one!! 19%
What's your favorite Kool-Aid flavor?
- Option 1: Lemon-Lime 19%
- Option 2: Orange 19%
- Option 3: Rasberry 8%
- Option 4: Magic Berry 19%
- Option 5: Grape 35%
Yeah, but what's Treize's favorite Kool-Aid flavor?
- Option 1: Lemon-Lime 20%
- Option 2: Magic Berry 20%
- Option 3: Pink Lemonade 27%
- Option 4: Strawberry 20%
- Option 5: Watermelon-Cherry 15%
Do you prefer subbed or dubbed anime?
- Option 1: Subbed! Don't mess with the original voices! 21%
- Option 2: Dubbed! I hate reading subtitles! 26%
- Option 3: I don't care as long as it's a good story! 53%
What are you doing for Halloween this year?
- Option 1: Trick-or-treats! 27%
- Option 2: Answering the door with the candy 4%
- Option 3: Scaring little kids with my costume 27%
- Option 4: Going to a Halloween party 23%
- Option 5: Eh, I'm to old for that stuff. 19%
Which M*A*S*H character is Duo most like?
- Option 1: Hawkeye Pierce 70%
- Option 2: Trapper John D. MacEntire 20%
- Option 3: Frank Burns 10%
- Option 4: Henry Blake 0%
- Option 5: Sherman Potter 0%
What is Heero's favorite flavor of ice cream?
- Option 1: Chocolate 13%
- Option 2: Vanilla 21%
- Option 3: Watermelon 0%
- Option 4: Rocky Road 29%
- Option 5: Chunky Monkey 13%
- Option 6: Rasberry 0%
- Option 7: Double Decker 4%
- Option 8: Relena 21%
So how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
- Option 1: Heero: 1. You bite it off. 24%
- Option 2: Duo: I dunno. I'm always to busy to find out! 12%
- Option 3: Quatre: Rashid says 5. I never get a chance to find out for myself. 6%
- Option 4: Wufei: Tootsie Pops are weak! 6%
- Option 5: Trowa: *eats the Tootsie Pop* 53%
Ever wonder what kind of twisted mind comes up with some of these poll questions?
- Option 1: Yeah, and it worries me. 16%
- Option 2: Not really. You're not crazier than I am! 55%
- Option 3: Nope. I couldn't care less. 4%
- Option 4: Yes. Every day. And I worry about the air too. 6%
- Option 5: Why worry? It'll change again in a week or so. 18%
What's your favorite type of book or story?
- Option 1: Mystery 38%
- Option 2: Romance 4%
- Option 3: Sci-Fi 8%
- Option 4: Fantasy 38%
- Option 5: Comic book 12%
- Option 6: The heck with reading, I'm playing Neverwinter! 0%
What do you think of the new layout?
- Option 1: It's totally cool! 72%
- Option 2: It sucks! 0%
- Option 3: It's ok. 17%
- Option 4: It's not bad, but it's to light for my eyes. 0%
- Option 5: Did ya ever think about dark blues? 10%
How often do you vist us here?
- Option 1: Every day!! 33%
- Option 2: Once a week or so. 33%
- Option 3: A couple times a month maybe. 7%
- Option 4: Whenever I remember to. 7%
- Option 5: This is my first visit, but I'll come back someday. 20%
If Duo was a soda pop, what kind would he be?
- Option 1: Dr. Pepper
- Just what the doctor ordered 6% - Option 2: Coke Classic
- The real thing 18% - Option 3: Pepsi
- Gotta have it 24% - Option 4: Mountain Dew
- Do the dew 36% - Option 5: 7-Up
- Make 7, Up yours 15%
So what'd you think of Chamber of Secrets?
- Option 1: SWEET!! 26%
- Option 2: Not bad 19%
- Option 3: Yuck! 17%
- Option 4: I actually cheered for Snape! 10%
- Option 5: I'm sorry, it was waaaay to long! 0%
- Option 6: I wanted to see the Deathday party! 29%
What's your favorite image song?
- Option 1: Stargaze
- Quatre 11% - Option 2: Kitto OK
- Duo 50% - Option 3: In My Words Alone
- Heero 12% - Option 4: Make My Way
- Trowa 14% - Option 5: Knocking at Morning's Door
- Wufei 13%
What's your favorite Two Mix song?
- Option 1: Endless Love 11%
- Option 2: Just Communication 25%
- Option 3: White Reflection 18%
- Option 4: Rhythm Emotion 43%
- Option 5: Burning 4%
How many anime cons have you been to?
- Option 1: Zero. I'm so deprived. 78%
- Option 2: One! I am a newb! 11%
- Option 3: Oh about two or three. 6%
- Option 4: I have one or two I visit every year, maybe a couple more. 0%
- Option 5: Between 5 and 10 a year. 6%
- Option 6: Every con within a 1000 mile radius. And then some. 0%
What's Duo's favorite board game?
- Option 1: Monolopy 10%
- Option 2: Sorry 27%
- Option 3: Risk 30%
- Option 4: Life 17%
- Option 5: Checkers 17%
So, what'd you do (or are planning to do) for Spring Break?
- Option 1: The beach! 14%
- Option 2: Anime cons! 18%
- Option 3: Camping! 0%
- Option 4: Who needs to go anywhere? I'm just chillin' at home! 64%
- Option 5: Break Smreak, I'm a working person. 4%
If Trowa kept a pet, what kind would he have?
- Option 1: Goldfish. Simple and relaxing. 16%
- Option 2: A cat. Oh wait, he has a lion, doesn't he? 25%
- Option 3: A dog. Trained to keep Duo out of his Gundam. 19%
- Option 4: A hamster. For no other reason then to teach it to Hamsterdance! 31%
- Option 5: A parakeet. So he could teach it to speak for him. 9%
So what'd you do last month?
- Option 1: Graduated! 0%
- Option 2: Same thing I always do. Try to take over the world. 19%
- Option 3: Proved that life exists on another planet, but lost the data when my computer crashed. 5%
- Option 4: Eh. Watched anime. Ate food. Same ole', same ole'. 60%
- Option 5: Why do you want to know?? 16%
I got my DDR game! What do you think of that?
- Option 1: Sweet!! 39%
- Option 2: That's so old. I already beat all the songs. 9%
- Option 3: What the heck is DDR? 46%
- Option 4: You like DDR? You are such a geek! 0%
- Option 5: So, are you like, a cheerleader or something? 7%
Why do all the polls make no sense?
- Option 1: Because you're nuts. 2%
- Option 2: Because Duo actually writes them. 41%
- Option 3: Because when no one's looking, Trowa goes in and changes them. 25%
- Option 4: What are you talking about? They make sense to me! 10%
- Option 5: Who cares? As long as they're funny, it doesn't matter! 23%
If we had a cook-out, who'd be in charge of the grill?
- Option 1: Heero. For no other reason then the fact that it's fire. 38%
- Option 2: Duo. Because he's actually a pretty good cook. 18%
- Option 3: Wufei. After all, grilling is man's art. 8%
- Option 4: Trowa. Hey, he's quiet all the time, he's gotta be thinking up some good recipies! 20%
- Option 5: Quatre. He makes a good cup of tea, he can probally do some good steaks too. 18%
What's Zechs's favorite video game?
- Option 1: Old Skool
- Zelda: A Link to the Past 59% - Option 2: Classic
- Quake 7% - Option 3: Adventure
- DungonSiege 3% - Option 4: New Blood
- Half Life 2 17% - Option 5: The heck with those. DDR all the way! 14%
So if I do a new layout, what should the main color be?
- Option 1: Black 39%
- Option 2: Red 9%
- Option 3: Blue 18%
- Option 4: Green 9%
- Option 5: Yellow 0%
- Option 6: Silver 26%
What keeps you coming back to this site?
- Option 1: The Fandom 15%
- Option 2: The Funnies 37%
- Option 3: The Galleries 26%
- Option 4: The Downloads 0%
- Option 5: This is my first time here. 22%
So, you planning on going to Quakecon?
- Option 1: Are you kidding? I was the first one to register! 0%
- Option 2: Yeah, probally. Get some game on. 4%
- Option 3: I'll probally go to cheer on my friends. 2%
- Option 4: No. It's just a bunch of geeks playing for money. 4%
- Option 5: What's Quakecon? 91%
So, are ya ready for school?
- Option 1: Hell no! 29%
- Option 2: Yeah, I'm tired of vacation time. 9%
- Option 3: I guess I gotta, don't I? 34%
- Option 4: The heck with that, I'm already graduated! 3%
- Option 5: School? Something outside anime? 26%
Do you read webcomics?
- Option 1: Heck yeah! I'm the master of the webcomic list! 22%
- Option 2: I have a small collection of favorites I visit every week. 19%
- Option 3: Sometimes, I go around to some major ones. 33%
- Option 4: Well, I read Megatokyo. 0%
- Option 5: No. I perfer my comics to be in paper form. 26%
What does your collection of CDs look like?
- Option 1: I am the envy of the local record store. 6%
- Option 2: I've got enough to fill several shelves. 6%
- Option 3: Respectable. 39%
- Option 4: Well, I won't be putting WalMart out of business. 50%
- Option 5: CDs? I still use cassettes! 0%
If you could be an anime character, what kind would you be?
- Option 1: Magical Girl 18%
- Option 2: Gundam Pilot 71%
- Option 3: Magical Boy 2%
- Option 4: Ninja 6%
- Option 5: Tentical Monster 4%
What's your favorite XBox game right now?
Answers Votes Percent
- Option 1: Halo 13%
- Option 2: Soul Caliber 5 63%
- Option 3: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 25%
- Option 4: Fusion Frenzy 0%
- Option 5: DOA3: Extreme Vollyball 0%
Who would win a round of poker?
- Option 1: Duo
- he's flamboyant 36% - Option 2: Trowa
- he has the perfect poker face 40% - Option 3: Dr. J
- his glasses are acutally x-ray specs 5% - Option 4: Relena
- she looks so innocent the others would be fooled 0% - Option 5: Howard
- come on, you know he plays a lot! 19%
So did you dress up for Halloween?
- Option 1: Heck yeah! Anything for candy! 62%
- Option 2: Well, I dressed up for a party. 28%
- Option 3: I had to. Boss at work made us. 2%
- Option 4: Are you nuts? I'm way to mature for that! 9%
So, how about Episode 3?
- Option 1: KICKIN'!! *keels over in happiness* 22%
- Option 3: Obi-wan is da man. 12%
- Option 4: Mace Windu is da man. 1%
- Option 5: Yoda is da man. Or rather, Muppet. 14%
- Option 6: I don't care who da man was, I still loved it. 10%
- Option 7: Go Emporer Palpatine! 3%
- Option 8: Well, it was worth seeing for the story if nothing else. 7%
- Option 9: I only went because my friends went. 2%
- Option 10: It sucked! 20 8%
- Option 11: Anakin really needs some Prozack. 22%